Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas letter

We've learned that the PDF of our Christmas letter isn't very legible as its so tiny on most computer screens, so here it is again, in larger print:

Dear family & friends (or at least we like to think you are),
             Its time again, for the holiday letter. You know, the one where we provide you with tidbits of information about how our lives have continued on over the past twelve months or so and expect you to ooh and ahh over our many accomplishments and such. That letter doesnt sound particularly Minnesotan, does it? Here in Minnesota we pretty much stand around looking at our toes when someone asks us to talk about ourselves. So instead, this year were delivering a purely Minnesota letter. One thats less about us and more about life in general.
            First thing, I suppose, we should introduce ourselves (just in case you forgot who is in our family). Theres me (Alisha), Andrew (my husband, partner, general sidekick for life, -whichever you prefer to call it), and our two boys Collin & Owen. Collin is three and a half and Owen is nearly two. This means we practice humility in our parenting every single day of our lives. Parenting is hard! Why dont these kids come with manuals? Anyway, this year were thankful for a lot. Heres our list of global ideas that we think are worth sharing (thank-you-very-much- TED).
1.              We’re fortunate to live in a world and community where there are good people all around us. Very often our family experiences acts of kindness that all too often we forget to pay forward. Sometimes everyday experiences eclipse that gratitude is a sustaining part of life. Just this week at work I was privy to a surprise free lunch (yeah for pizza!), our siding vendor offered to drive us around to other homes to view siding colors in real-life (how very nice of him!) and the boy’s preschool let slide that I totally forgot to pay this months tuition and let me pay a few days late without a late fee. Those are all kind and generous acts. We should remember to share more kindness, generosity and gratitude in our lives, and so, dear friend and family, we’re making an effort in 2013.
2.       Even though there are many good people in this world, there just aren’t enough people doing good things. We work to make a difference in this world as a family, giving time and energy to support other families in need and agencies that serve to help others. We actively seek to not only better our own lives, but to better the lives of others. Sometimes, the individuality of our society can force us to feel as though our path is the only important one, but if we are to be happy, healthy and successful, we should always remember that we are part of a much bigger whole. So, this year, we’re trying to do better for others, we hope you are too.
3.         We think our environment is important. Indeed, the environment truly is so very precious and important. We’re trying to become more and more conscious of our footprint in this world. We want the future for our boys to be fulfilling and pristine. We want them to enjoy nature the same way that we have been able to, and to do that we really believe we need to protect our environment. So we recycle, we carpool, we use products made of natural, sustainable things and we try not to be wasteful (In fact, we reasoned we shouldn’t actually write this letter- instead we should send it via email, but too many of you are without email for that to work out well!). We try to be green, to be healthy and to hand our children a future we can be confident will be filled with the wonders of nature. So in 2013 we’re venturing into the world of chickens and trying to live out of our garden for most of the summer.  Canning is the newest hobbie I hope to add to my repertoire.

Really, that’s all we have for you this year. No stories of who did what, or what’s going on in our lives, instead, just a some tidbits about the bigger picture. We hope you find it as a refreshing change from our usual letter.

We hope your year has been fantastic and fulfilling and we look forward to connecting with you again, hopefully sometime within the next 364 days.     

With all our love,
                                                Alisha, Andrew, Collin & Owen

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