We're almost to a month! Its hard to believe a whole month ago I was in labor. This week Collin has had lots of new experiences. He's beginning to be able to hold his head up more and spends much more time looking around and tracking things. He really likes to look at the mobile in his swing. Our favorite time is right when he gets up in the morning. He's really alert then and shows off his bright blue eyes.
Samson is also starting to take a liking to hanging out with Collin. Lately, when he is on one of our laps Samson comes over and nuzzles in so that his head is somewhere near Collin. Maybe he's just keen on his poop. We aren't really sure, but it makes for cute photos, nevertheless.
Collin also met some more new friends. Anna came and stayed with us while she was here for the HotList event. Lori came too, on her way through to St. Cloud. He also met Adrienne, Ann Marie and Sally.
Collin also really likes cuddling with Drew, maybe because Drew has the coveted Pinky finger, which is Collin's favorite pacifier currently, or maybe its because he can hold him upside down in the palm of his hand. Collin seems to really like this, and we found he enjoys the white noise of fans. When he's fussy we sometimes stand in front of the box window fan and he calms down. Maybe we are in for a kiddo who needs white noise all the time.
Collin continues to love sucking on things, and he even finds his thumb on occasion, but mostly he just sucks on whatever is available, such as his fist, arm, our hands, arms, knuckles etc. Here's a photo of him trying to suck on his own arm.
This week we also started another research study. Being the huge dorks we are, and the dedication we have to research we've be recruited to be in a handful of infant studies through the U and we're generally happy to be included as long as it won't hurt Collin. We won't put him at any risk so those types of studies are out, but harmless ones are okay. This week we started a neurobehavioral study that looks at kids ability to memorize things who are iron deficient. Since Collin is not iron deficient he's in the Control group. For the first part they measure his brain's response to him hearing me say "baby" and a stranger saying "baby". They do this with a net of receptors that he wears like a cap as he is sleeping. He did such a good job and slept through the whole thing.
Since Collin is growing so fast we also tried out the Baby Bjorn, which was okay for about 15 minutes. I think it was just a fussy day, so we'll try it again soon, but here is a photo of Drew with him in the baby bjorn chatting on the phone.
So its been a busy week! I never thought it would go by this fast, but here we are at nearly a month old! This Sunday we make the big leap to starting a whole new month! What a great way to celebrate Drew's first father's day.
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