My goodness, time is flying. At warp speed.
In parenting the saying goes the days are long but the years are short, but with our third sweet baby, even the days are short. I can barely believe we are rounding out 8 months!
Dear sweet Eden,
You've added so much joy to our lives. At eight months you've certainly found your voice- you narrate all day long telling us with your tones and excitement when you love things or are frustrated. Its fun to listen to you and we encourage you to keep on talking!
Eight months means steam rolling your little body all over the place- we can't put you on surfaces anymore because you are so quick to roll away (and potentially off!). It also means you are starting to pursue things- pushing yourself toward toys, reaching for jewelry and trying desperately to swipe food off our plates.
You continue to love food. This month we're getting more adventurous with what you eat, trying lots of new things and we're trying hard to get you enough iron. Your pediatrician has me feeling guilty about not getting you enough iron and so I've worked rice cereal into your diet because its fortified. I detested the stuff with the boys and here I am using it now! Who knew! But overall you are such a fantastic eater that you don't seem to mind.
At 8 months you've finally, FINALLY, landed back in a good nightly sleep schedule. You were giving us a run for our money for a bit there- for two months I think we were mostly at your beck and call, in your room 3-5 times a night until Drew cried uncle and brought you in bed. You were totally running the show! Then on a business trip I suggested the sleep lady shuffle since it worked for Owen awhile back and amazingly, in two days, he had you sleeping from your 6:30/7 pm bedtime to about 5 am! Hooray! For whatever reason we figured out you needed an extra bottle after nursing before bed (I think you might have been nursing just enough to cut the edge off instead of actually getting a good feeding) and that seems to satisfy you for the morning.
Our days at 8 months are lots of fun because you are so interested in playing. You think your brothers are hilarious and you start your day, often, with them coming in to my room and seeing you, where you always smile ear to ear to see them. Your first stop is breakfast, which you enjoy very much. You've learned how to drop things off your tray and its always fun to see your response when I pick it up and you drop it again.
After breakfast, during the week, the boys get ready for school. We help them make their beds and get dressed, you chatter and play. Once they are all ready to go they take a turn playing with you while I get ready. Both boys love to pull you on their chest and cuddle with them. You aren't a huge fan of this, but seem to tolerate it because they'll do about anything to make you laugh. You like to watch the growly car zoom across the floor and you love to chew on everything, especially the very hungry caterpillar toys. When we play we've been working on sharing animal sounds and labeling all of your parts- eyes, ears, nose, belly, and trying to wave. Its lots of fun and you are soaking it up. We read lots of books and you especially love the ones with the puppets that you can grab onto.
After I'm ready the boys play for a bit and I nurse you before I have to head off for the day with them. You like to still use my hair as reins and often pull. Lately I've made a fuss of it and its shocking to you if I whimper too much. You don't like that in the least, but so far, it hasn't stopped you from pulling my hair!
Then your day starts with Candy. You have such a sweet special bond with her and its fun to see you get so excited when she arrives. It makes my heart soar that you are in such good hands for part of the day. When she's here you take a long nap, read books, play, lots of fun things! Then your dad comes home at 2:30 and you are usually napping, so sometimes he rocks you, and other times you are content in your crib and the house is quiet (briefly). At 3:50 you go get your brothers and the evening routine. The moms at pick up fawn over you and your cuteness and you are equally excited to see your brothers.
By the time you are home and settled its getting near to dinner- I come home and usually nurse you and you play for a bit in your longest stretch, usually 2-3 hours between your second nap and bedtime. Dinner is nestled in there and you don't let us forget. You love fruits so much and are just starting to try out puffs. Its so fun to see you discover new foods.
On your 8 months birthday grandma came to visit and I was worried your stranger danger would kick in, but you've taken to her and have enjoyed her reading to you and chatting with you today. Your eyes light up when you see all of the faces in the room who love you so dearly.
At eight months you are enjoying your ECFE class- you love to watch the other babies and are doing better during separation (albeit you still love to be held). I think a lot about how fortunate we are to get to share those classes and enjoy the time together.
Its clear at this point that you certainly have your dad wrapped around your little finger. You two are like peas in a pod and your face really does light up whenever you see him. I'm useful for milk, but he's your true love. I don't mind, I know that you'll volley between us, and its honestly adorable to see him so wrapped up and entwined in the happiness of a tiny 8 month old baby.
I'm also enjoying all the things you aren't doing quite yet- no crawling, no teeth (which means no biting!) no tantrums, no lack of naps. All in all, things are perfectly balanced. I know these things will all come in the future, but I really do wish for the world to slow a bit so I can savor each moment with you. We just adore you Eden Collette, and we can't wait to see what 9 months brings.
all our love
Momma and Daddy
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