Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween 2015

Happy Halloween!
If you are tracking along with our posts this year you know that our first Halloween celebration was at Disney world, where we went to the Magic Kingdom's Hallowishes parade and trick or treating night. It was tons of fun and also is the root of how the costumes came to be this year- we needed a family get up, and so we decided as a family the boys would be cops and the parents would be the "bad guys". Drew and I work our "prison" jumpsuits and the boys were dressed in uniform. It worked out well! We had a blast in our first go of halloween happenings and continued to celebrate back in Minnesota.

 When Halloween actually rolled around, Owen's preschool, as it always does had a Halloween party. Unfortuately Owen was super sick that day and had to stay home, so this year we don't have any photos of the Halloween fun had at school. That didn't crimp our style too much though as we still got to do many fun Halloween things!

 We went to the Boo Zoo, which we've done every year since the boys were born and they had a ton of fun. It was unseasonably warm so they were comfy and we love that the Zoo gives out a fair amount of healthy treats- apples, pears, yogurt, stickers and not so much on the candy side.
 We also went to the PCOTW trunk our treat, which we've also done for a few years and the boys love it. Its a convenient way to get a dose of candy quickly. Again, it was pretty warm, so we put on our gear and wandered the parking lot. The boys especially loved the trunk exhibits that were super clever- including a star wars one with Chewbacca (pastor David), which made their day.

 After trunk or treat we came back home to do the traditional halloween stink around the neighborhood, I stayed home to hand out candy and the boys took off. It wasn't a half hour later Owen was back home ready for bed. This kiddo really was sick. He didn't even want to trick or treat, which was a bummer. Luckily, he got quite the stash in the half hour he was out and Collin brought him home even more. Candy isn't exactly a typical treat in our house, so three months later its still not even close to gone, and gasp, I've thrown a good portion of it away!
Halloween was exciting for them as always and marked the beginning of fall, which we also love in Minnesota, even though it happens for only a few brief moments it seems. Here's to happy fall weather and another year of trick or treating under their belts!

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