Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Vacation at Higgins Lake

Oh, summer, how I adore you.

Our annual summer holiday in Michigan was a stunning success. Every year I make a lame attempt to capture how much I love summer vacation, and never seem to do it justice. Its a small piece of my heart that expands tremendously with memories, hopes, contentedness and joy during the week that I get to suck up every moment of vacation. This year my happiness, our family's collective happiness, was nestled in my childhood memory stronghold of Higgins Lake.

Higgins Lake is where we went as kids to while away the summer hours. My mom's parents had friends with a cottage that we rented out every year, building the foundation of what I revel in as one of the most fantastic parts of my childhood. So, getting to come back here, FINALLY, made me both tremendously anxious (would it be as great as I remember as a child?) and exciting (imagine the possibility for my little boys!). To top it off, this year's holiday worked out to be during the 4th of July, setting the stage for a perfect trip. Sparklers, family, a beautiful crystal clear lake, and sunshine.

A recipe for amazing memories and tons of fun, if you ask me.

Higgins Lake Sunsets

So, we made our way from our home, to the long awaited destination of Higgins Lake.11 hours of travel, one overnight in Escanba, a happy baby and excited toddler, lots of potty stops, a few meals, snacks, songs, books read aloud and many tunes on the Ipod, landing us at 318 Cardinal Avenue.

Drew on the end of the dock, taking in the sunset upside down

Our travels went surprisingly well. As it turns out, Owen is great in the car, we barely heard a peep from him while driving, all happy giggles, ma ma ma mas, and coos scattered among a handful of naps. Collin to did exceptionally well, talking, looking at books, and save for the hourly potty stop, rode along like a champ. After leaving home on Thursday evening, we finally arrived in Higgins Lake on Friday afternoon, ready for vacation to begin.
While we were there, we were lucky enough to borrow my cousin Lee's boat, formally known as the SS Minnow. The boat itself is nothing to write home about, but, we didn't really care. A boat is a boat, so we fueled it up, attached a tube and spent a couple of lazy afternoons bouncing around the lake. Collin and Owen each got their first boat ride as well. Collin's first time out was right before naptime, and the soothing crash of the waves in the boat put him right to sleep. He wasn't on board more than a few minutes, and down he went to dreamland in daddy's lap.

Nearly every night we got to enjoy a fantastic fire, hosted right on the shores of the lake, which made for unforgettable sunsets. We really were very spoiled with how wonderful it was, the weather was amazing, the skies clear and sun warm, and there was lots of room to run and play. We even enjoyed a few fluffer-nutter and chocolate hobo pies (my own creation, thank you very much, and they were delicious!)
Mmmm, fluffernutters and chocolate!

As soon as we arrived Collin quickly found, and remembered Jayla. From that moment on, they were two peas in a pod. Playing together all week long. For at least a couple of nights we let Collin stay up later than normal to hangout by the fire and do a few sparklers. He loved it. As you can see, his bedtime was on temporary vacation.

The week was filled with fun around every corner and tons and tons of food. I don't think I've consumed that many calories in a week in years. It was outrageous (as any good vacation should be). We spent our time playing, riding bikes, swimming, boating, playing in the sand, volleyball, ladderball, euchre... (you get the idea). The most important piece of the week was that I didn't do any work. I barely touched a computer. It was fantastic (and rather strange upon returning to see how much I missed socially as a function of being disconnected).

For Owen, his first vacation was filled with many hands to hold him, hugs, kisses and happiness. He sucked up all the time he could with Nana and Papa, overcome with giggles time and time again each day. Now that he's 6 months old (which happened to occur on the fourth of July) we felt okay about taking him outdoors with sunscreen on, so the vacation was the first time he really got to spend a significant portion of time outside, and he loved it. We took naps in the hammock, woke up each morning to a smile from all of our family, ate his fair share of sweet potatoes and pears, and rounded out the week with teething, teething and more teething.

Owen had his first taste of watermelon, and true to form, he loved it. This little boy things food is the bees knees, so it was no surprise that he sucked on the watermelon for as long as he could. When we took it away he cried, which showed how much he really liked it, since he rarely cries for any reason. Owen also got to spend some quality time with his godmother, Auntie Andrea, as she was able to fly in from NC for a few days. It was great to see her and here about her adventures in North Carolina and Florida. Collin sucked up her attention as well, learning how to cast and use his first fishing pole before taking it to the docks.

The fourth of July arrived on Monday, with Andrea and Erik there to help us celebrate. The day was perfectly warm, allowing for tubing, playing in the sand and soaking up the rays, followed by an evening of sparkler fun. I love sparklers.

Owen also got to meet Uncle Nathan for the first time, which was great, since Nathan wasn't able to come to the baptism. Owen seemed pretty content to hang out with Uncle Nate, even if he was dressed like a swimming cowboy :) Collin took a page out of Uncle Nate's book and one night put on his cowboy boots to show off his dexterity. I think he made it about 3 steps before he declared he could

Nathan brough the vespa with him, and Collin found it fascinating. Anytime he could get near it he wanted to pretend to ride it, sitting on the seat, holding the handle bars and hanging out like the wind was at his face and he didn't have a care in the world.
Next to the Vespa, was Papa's motorcycle, which was equally entertaining for both boys. Collin and Jayla rode tandem while Owen got his own little ride.

But, when it came down to it, the only "bikes" the kids were riding was in the Burley behind Drew's bicycle. Jayla and Collin rode together and loved it.

Across the week we tried desperately hard to absorb every moment of happiness, and before we knew it, it was Friday night, and we were preparing to head home. Higgins lake was everything that I had hoped it would be, for me, as well as for the boys. Collin likely created his first memories that he'll be able to remember, and I took a walk down memory lane- visiting the old cottage and having deja vu moments again and again, remember, the feelings, sights and sounds of the Higgins Lake of my childhood.

So, to Higgins Lake, to the fantastically warm and clean waters, the happy boys and fabulous family, to make the most of a concentrated week, celebrating where our lives have lead us. Reveling in every moment, hanging on to the bits that represent sheer contentedness.

We will miss you.

Until we meet again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until next year. :)
Love, ChaCha

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