Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Baby 'Bama O' Baby McCain?

Its election day, and I'm tired of the election. Tired of politics and simply wondering, who will our baby have as his or her first president McCain or Obama? We'll find out in a few short hours. Quick and painless. Even though I hate all the political hoop-la, right now I wish pregnancy had a lot more common with the election process. For example.
  • Quick, quick, quick. None of this anxious awaiting for nine months, you put in your vote, you get a result the same day. Maybe 9 hours. not 9 months. It feels like this will take FOREVER.
  • You get a vote. I would vote for "healthy" to win out over all other options. I'd like to have confidence that my vote is a determining factor, unfortunately, with the pregnancy we just hope and pray that the baby will be happy and healthy.
  • Pre-arranged decorations. In election its elephant or donkey. Nursery decor decided. Cute elephants or barnyard theme. Has anyone spent time looking at the world of nursery bedding. How on earth are we ever going to chose? If I looked at one for everyday of the pregnancy I wouldn't get through even a quarter of them.
  • You can ignore the campaign, turn off the commercials, tune out the solicitations. In the pregancy we have no such choice. Friends and family share their ideas, suggestions for names, disgust for your ideas with names, thoughts about diapers, suggestions for if you should find out the sex, demands that you don't find out the sex, and many more opinions. Because these people love us and feel incredibly comfortable with us they are usually sure to use their most convincing tactics to force these on us, regardless of how much we love or dislike their thoughts. We love that people are so interested, but its particularly interesting to hear points of view that are a bit different from ours. We smile and continue to aknowledge their amazing influences. We still love you though and get a good laugh out of it.
  • There are no election side effects! Has anyone every thrown up because they had to get to the polls or just because they saw a political comercial (okay, so maybe thats not so far fetched)? In all seriousness, the side-effects, symptoms, or whatever you want to call these 'issues' during pregancy (read torcherous nausea) we could all go without. As an example, I am currently battling a case of pregnancy brain. I didn't believe in this before becoming pregnant. I have an elephant's memory and usually can recall ridiculous memories from childhood, random instances from interactions with people and on occassion names of people I've only met once. All of this was true, right up until about 2 weeks ago. Today when I went to the poll to vote, I left my phone there and then after leaving to go home, sitting down, checking my email and thinking all was well, my neighbor comes over to let me know that they still have my liscense at the voting station. I completely forgot to pick up my liscense?!? How do you forget that? You need it to drive? and, to top it off, I had no idea that this happened. My brain is fleeting.
In all seriousness, we're thankful for every aspect of the pregnancy, and can't wait for the baby. Regardless of who the new president is, we hope that by the time our baby arrives, or nation is moving in a new, positive, direction.

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