Sunday, November 23, 2014

The summer lakehouse 2014

The summer lakehouse didn't exactly feel like the summer lakehouse this year. It was chilly (we went at the end of the summer, instead of our usual 4th of july weekend), and the summer was so whirlwind for our family that it really didn't feel much like relaxing. Instead it was a bit more like "one more trip on the rollercoaster ride that we call the summer of 2014". It landed plop between Dallas, camping, and Nathan's wedding, so we were home for a total of something like 12 days in the month of August.

Don't get me wrong. The lakehouse was fun, even with the chilly weather and we took the boys to Mackinac Island for the first time, which has such a soft spot in my heart. But, I'm totally looking forward to being back on track with relaxing, reading, laying in the sun with nothing to swallow up either weekend ahead or behind of the trip.

This year the lakehouse gets a pass given our crazy schedules. Next year, it gets my full undivided attention. But, not to treat 2014 as the year of the forgotten lakehouse- here are the photos of our fun.
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