Sometimes I feel I've slighted the new baby by not blogging about him as much as I did with Collin. I think at this point in the pregnancy I had post after post chronicling my ailments, his kicks and somersaults, and all other baby related happenings. While its true I haven't blogged about much of this for the new baby, its not that those things aren't being noticed or even admired, instead, its just about focusing on our time where it means the most, and right now that's with Drew and Collin, rather than sitting with a computer in hand blogging away.
The new baby (who does have a name by the way, that some of you know and some of you don't) who is 10 short weeks from making his appearance in this world seems to take all of my hustle and bustle in stride. At 30 weeks he's made a habit of kicking me, much harder than Collin ever did, usually while at work or late at night to let me know he's paying attention. During the day he tends to push up up up and out out out. I feel as though he has both legs and arms wedged between by ribs and is pushing with all his might to get out, its a constant case of pressure against by belly- almost as though if he didn't know better (which maybe he doesn't), he'd try to escape through my belly button.
He also likes to push up on my esophagus, making my heartburn incredibly bad. Just the other night I was pretty confident he had pushed stomach acid up into my throat. It was like a cup of sulfuric acid was running down my throat. Gross, I know. I mentioned this to our midwife at the latest visit and she prescribed me some Prilosec, which has turned out to be my new best friend. That purple pill has made the heart burn disappear and my appetite and taste buds return to normal! Hooray.
Surprisingly (and thankfully), the back pain related to this pregnancy has decreased over time. So either, I'm better at carrying the weight, my body learned to adjust, or the new baby just doesn't wreak as much havoc has Collin did on my spine and lower back.
Although, the new baby has presented a whole new set of ailments related to this pregnancy that I didn't have with Collin, most specifically carpal tunnel. I've never had carpal tunnel, so this was an unwelcome surprise for me, as I type everyday (as I'm doing now to update the blog) at work and home and I'm also crocheting the new baby's baby blanket, and as you can probably guess, crocheting with a tremendous amount of pain in my wrist makes for less than productive sessions. So, I just grin and bear it, and pursue the end of the tunnel with a finished blanket in my sights.
This baby has also presented me with my first ever case of spider veins. Now I probably shouldn't complain, because the tiny little patch I have of them on my leg is about 2 cm by 1 inch, but still, they made me cringe a bit. Apparently in pregnancy the increase in blood circulation causes these tiny little spider like veins to appear (which by the way, shouldn't be confused with varicose veins, a much larger cousin), and hopefully (according to my midwife) they'll likely disapear after I have the baby, but still, they make me a bit unsettled. Oh, the troubles women put their bodies through to have babies!
The new baby is also making a much larger impact on my life, from noticing how hard it is to put Collin in his crib for naps (I can barely reach all the way over the bar to get him to the mattress)- pretty soon I'll have to resort to dropping him in the crib!, to trying to tie my shoes and shave my legs (a bit difficult), to gasping for breath every time I reach the top of the stairs (thank you very much little baby!) we are all aware he's a big part of our lives, and is slowing me down, bit by bit, in preparation for all the attention he'll need when he's born.
We've also started putting the nursery together, which is one of my favorite parts of getting ready for the baby. The crib, changing table and mural are all up in his room and Collin has taken a particular interest in checking things out. He likes to move his stool to the baby's room and stare out the window and often asks to go in the baby's crib. I think he likes this because the mattress is quite a bit higher than his and he thinks its a sort of jungle gym. I'm looking forward to finishing the nursery, making the curtains, and taking on my newest project, making a baby quilt to go in his room. Its likely the quilt won't be finished before the baby is born, but I still look forward to working on it.
In the meantime we're trying to get Collin ready for the new baby, and he seems to be enjoying it. If you ask him where baby XXXX is, he points to my belly and he's practicing saying his name. He's also in a super loving phase where he kisses and hugs everything, which is so adorable to see as he kisses and hugs all of the new baby's toys.
We're anxious for the new baby, and getting closer and closer to being ready! In 10 short weeks we'll be able to share our newest addition, and finally ready to relax a bit into the first few months of parenting.